Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to AMU's Process Certification Course

    2. Navigating this course environment

    3. Before you begin...

    1. Goal Setting: Whats your North Star?

    2. Customer Journey Overview

    1. Intro

    2. Sample Clients (pre-built & custom)

    3. Sample Scripts

    4. Client Marketing Flyer

    1. Intro

    2. Marketing Kit

    3. Free Marketing Video

    4. Custom Marketing Videos - Part 1: Ordering Your Video

    5. Custom Marketing Videos - Part 2: How to Use - Post Creation

    6. Discovery Inbound Link as a Marketing Tool & Lead Generator - Advisor Website Example

    7. Marketing Example: Email Template & Email Signature

    8. Marketing Example: Social Media Posts

    9. Discovery Inbound Link / QR Code Examples Continued

    1. Intro

    2. Adding New Relationships using Discovery + Stencils

    3. Adding Current Clients with Discovery + Stencils

    4. Live Discovery Walkthrough with New or Exisiting Relationships

    5. Adding New Relationships through Manual Creation + Stencils

    6. Adding Current Clients through Manual Creation + Stencils

    7. Creating Households using Integrations + Stencils

    1. Intro

    2. Asset-Map Frameworks Review

    3. Frameworks Applied to a Household

    4. Signals Review

    5. Analysis of Signals on a Household

    6. Hidden Gem: Signals Snooze

    7. Target-Maps Review

    8. Target-Map Analysis on a Household

    9. Hidden Gem: Asset-Map Drafts

    10. Summary Wrap Up

About this course

  • $499.00
  • 47 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content

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